P&K Insights: Paris 2024 Olympic Games – Navigating the legal framework of the CAS Ad Hoc Division

Gearing up for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: how can disgruntled athletes seek remedy for unfavorable decisions or sanctions received on their way to the Olympic gold?

In the world of international disputes, the CAS Ad Hoc Rules and the CAS Ad Hoc Division are unprecedented.

They provide a fair and efficient dispute resolution mechanism for athletes in the pursuit of their Olympic dream. It is a good example of a dispute resolution system adapting to the particularities of the dispute by providing efficient and tailor-made solutions.

Peter & Kim’s sports arbitration practice group, led by Alexis Schoeb, prepared this publication to address these issues. The practice group includes lawyers based in Australia, South Korea, Singapore and Switzerland, who are specialised in sports law and arbitration.

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